Thursday, December 5, 2013

Layout Construction - #16

The First Industry in Geraldine
I get scattered brained when it comes to working on the layout. I think I should work in a more logical manner. Create a list of things that need to be worked on and organize it by areas of the layout. That way you don’t miss things and you know what needs to be done first and the supplies needed to complete the task. Ya, right! That maybe how I do things in my work life. In my hobby life, when I decide to enter the train room, there are very few rules. I do whatever strikes my fancy at that moment. This is suppose to be a fun hobby. I never want it to become work. OK, enough of the soapbox!

Montana Elevator Company
The largest industry in Geraldine is the Montana Elevator. This elevator is based on the Valley Growers Association Steel Elevator from Walthers. The original kit is nice, but it is something that you see on a lot of layouts. It is time to modify the kit slightly to give it a unique appearance. The first task was to modify the width of the structure. There is not enough room from the track to edge of the layout for the entire structure including the truck unloading area. Easy enough to do. Next modification is take the extra grain storage building and add it to the main structure. After doing some research on the internet, this was a common practice as farm output increased additional storage was added. I will add additional piping from the elevator head house to the bins on the left and right. As you can see in these photos, I haven’t completed the structure. Hopefully, the next time I enter the train room, I will have more done for a future blog post! Now where did I put that box car I was building last month…..




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