Tunnel Scenery Completed
While looking over the last blog post, I realized I that hadn’t talked about the completion of the scenery around the tunnel portable in the helix area. For your reference you can click HERE for a review of the before photos. I will go back at a later date and add a little detail to the back drop. It won’t be much since the sky is hard to see with the upper swing bridge in place. I included a new scenery technique that I saw on Rob Spangler’s layout. Instead of the usual lichen or clump bushes, Rob creates very nice sage brush using a scouring pad and sage colored ground foam. The technique is simple and creates a nice effect. To quote Rob from a post on the Model-Railroad-Hobbyist forum;
“It's a gray scrub pad material from 3M sold as either synthetic steel wool or paint stripping pads (the latter are what I'm currently using as they are coarser). Chunks of that are sprayed with Super 77 adhesive and then coated with ASMI "Eucalyptus" coarse ground foam. Accurail "Sagebrush" foam is almost the same.”
You can click HERE to see his results in the last photo on the first page. I will include more photos of the sage brush in later posts as they keep popping up everywhere.