Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Train Show - November 7, 2009

How to Empty a Wallet
We attended the Utah NMRA show at the Utah State Fairgrounds. This was one of the largest shows they have had in years. There were lots of layouts and vendors to choose from. Picked up a few cars to add to the collection and metal wheels to replace some of the plastic sets that come with kits. Overall, a very enjoyable show with lots to see.

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A few of the goodies collected from the show.

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Layout Construction - October 31, 2009

Back to the Track Gang
The next project after our vacation was to finish gluing down the roadbed in the Lewistown area. I made a slight variation from the original track plan. The industrial spur and storage tracks were moved closer to the front of the layout. I did this after seeing the tight space for reaching back and re-railing cars. It will also allow more room for industries in that area.

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